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Showing posts from 2012

This & That

  ‘THIS’ & ‘THAT’ It is the mysterious ‘that’ which is overwhelmed in this entire universe (Nature). That is the ‘fact’. That is the soul. That is you.             The underlined doctrine of all the ‘established religions’ construct the notion of human creation and the existence originated from the ‘Divinity of sanctum sanctorum’.               ‘That’ is Yahweh, says Jew. Yahweh is omnipotent; only the one and he judges on the last judgment day. While the Christians say, that is not just one, but a trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And you have to believe the creed of the Church in order to be a Christian. But, on account of Islam, Jesus is neither God nor the Son of God. He is one among the several prophets sent by Allah. Allah is Unique; He is most kind and generous. And you have to believe, in order to be a Muslim, the only God; the words of his mouth and the prophets he has sent. For Buddhist ‘that’ is nirvana. Nirvana defines the ‘liberation, emancipation

Aesthetics of Dislocation

Ivan’s woman (2011) Chilean director Francisca Silva’s feature, Ivan’s Woman , is a dark, chilling portrayal of 40-year-old Ivan and his 15-year-old captive, Natalia. When Natascha Kampusch was kidnapped in Vienna at the age of 10, it wowed the world by the paradoxical relationship that was generated between her and her abductor. Inspired by this story, Director Francisca Silva brings us her opera prima - Ivan's woman. Since she was a little girl, Natalia lives captive in Ivan’s house. Though Ivan plays a dominant figure over Natalia, she accommodates the present situation of her life in order to live and they live like a family. Everything changes when she has her sexual awakening; the kidnapper’s power begins to weaken. Ivan begins to show his desire for love and a woman’s companionship. The house is transformed into an amoral theatre of war, in which Ivan and Natalia struggle with each other, exchanging love for freedom. With the young woman's coming of age

Tête-à-tête with Lucia Carreras: Journey through the Mexican solitude

      “My inspiration is my Fear”, Lucia Carreras transcends to a philosopher and a spiritual celebrationist when she talks about her directorial debut, Nos Vemos, Papa, a movie that challenges the reality principles as well as the conceptual creation of the socio-cultural norms and normality that defines “the normal, rational and correct life” of the people. “I like to make a movie that a lot of people around the world can identify and communicate with their life, a universal story that includes the life and emotion of every human being irrespective of their cultural and linguistic differences.”   As Lucia Carreras unfolds the hints of her movie, it begins to reflect the life of each daughter and her father all around the world.   She tells the story of a love that transcends death . Pilar loses her father, from that moment on, time stops. The present begins blending with the past, and the heroine withdraws into a world of her own. Nos Vemos, Papa (see you,