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Showing posts from April, 2012


"He was born to be told and heard. .." Jonah  fell into the  chasm of  his childhood days of innocence and reveries. Michael placed himself under the root of fence on which Jonah unfolded the inception of his creation in to a man of flops and gains. Little Caroline amazed by the beginning of the story which drawn her towards the story behind  "to be heard and told." Both Michael and Caroline seemed to be the little pets of an almighty who leads them to the world of imaginations and the fictionalised realities of existence that awaits them  ahead. The almighty sits on the fence. " Who is he?" asked  little Carol. " He is not named Carol!" replied Jonah. " Why?" asked Michael. The overriding image of fence dominated the thoughts of two little heads. "Lets not name him." Jonah developed some mysteries before the two little eyes of anxieties... "I need so,me water. Let me find it out". ( to be con