LIFE is an organization consists of student, teacher volunteers who are ready to share their knowledge with the neglected, abandoned, orphaned and deprived children living in local orphanages. From knowledge to wisdom, we, as a group, dream of a society where knowledge is set free and flow across the domestic walls. There are arts, engineering, medicine, language, media and science students from various colleges, campuses and universities. There are also great involvement from the side of schoolteachers, university lecturers and professors. They are volunteers; they share their wonderful life with the orphaned. We have no money. So, we ask the help from the people who have money and we welcome everyone who are ready to help us. We need food, books, dress, etc. for the children. It’s a wonderful life, can you share at least some hours with those children who need to realize their dreams? Come on, let’s build a wonderful world, let’s make every child laugh and dream thei...
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour…”