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Men With in 'Me'

far from the land of eternity,
i see the departed me of other.
my several men inside me
spoke the language of unknown
and uncertain.
they were of several men.
men of lust,
men of love,
men of calm,
men of rush,
men of thought,
men of spirituality,
men of absurdity, etc.
i lost my being among them.
i cared my individuality and professed,
but i knew all of them were in vain.
i have no me, essential self.
i am an existence of multitude,
'i' contain multitude.
there are numerous 'i' inside me,
of whom i must select to be my face?
no one, but all.
one is not equal to the other but they can't
stay in the absence of the other.
let me love all of them,
embrace me, my me!
'i' born each time, from one to one.
not new. things were there.and always will be.
they are mere repetition.
'i' is many. never define 'i'.   


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