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Hindolam: N₂

She is a free bird, soaring in the endless azure sky. She let herself go, no strings holding her back, from a world that wouldn't accept her. She didn't want to wallow in self pity, drown herself in the misery. She wanted to be happy. She didn't need a world that ceased to exist for her. 
In the darkness, a ray of sunshine reached out to her. Her cynical self turned away but the soothing hand pulled her out of her fantasy world. His smile brought her back to life. A loving touch, his honey coloured eyes that burned with intense love. His presense sustained her, she thrived on his love. She soared across the skies with her love by her side, not alone.
Too late she knew that she was never alone, loneliness was never her ally. The one who loved her while she was too busy in her own fantasies and troubles, never abandoned her. He was always there, next to her, but she never noticed. 
Now, she was encased in the feathers of her loved one, in her safe haven. He was still next to her. A solitary tear traced a path on his face.

"I am happy for you," he whispered, an invisible part of her being. He was always there, she never saw him. She parted her lips and a soft sorry escaped them. She turned back to her love and huddled in his warmth.

He said, "There is a pleasure in loving someone who doesn't love you back."


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