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De-defining Struture and Anarchy into Aesthetics

The exuberant and epicurean cultural dimensions, prototype deliverance of metro-hetro-sexual identities, together overrule the miscellaneous set of behavior and code of conduct, according to which the cultured identities and  structured pre-cogs are persuaded to the purgatory of cultural extermination and ‘Silencing the Other’ of the Oracle/Center within the space of thought/action/belief/culture/perception/self, and in the Normalized totality of noetic Matrix. Schematic absence of cognitive elements in the form of representative thoughts and reverberations in the cultural and cognitive development/grown up status of a self, produces a spatial structure of numbness and socially dead life-spaces. Anarchy is a resistance to the process of defining the elements and schemata in terms of approvals mirrored.
Anarchy is the deliverance of thought encountering the cognitive code of rendering a thought according to the pre-coged system of thought and action determined by the camouflaged pluralism of monarchic center of power that co-habituates a nihilistic delusion. The conceptual construction of the cognitive Anarchy is the sublimed existence meaning which is ironical within itself.
Anarchy is the manipulation of structured thought and actions into universal fragmentation. It is the deviancy of thought and action which is supplied for the elemental acceptance of the Other of the Self first. Anarchy is not the extermination of a governing element or a system functioning, rather it is a replacement of instinctual schemata. Aesthetic anarchy is the interpretation of irony of rasasvanda ( the taste of bliss in the absence of all thought) and the aesthetification of thought in anarchy.
Aesthetic anarchy is de-defining the meaning and interpretation into redefinition.
Structure/system is the totality of a function or an existence which is in existence on the principles of molecular co-relation and habituation of basic elements/particles of thought/action/culture/nature/life/death and instinct. It is within this form of system/structure the anarchy begets itself from the absolute absence of all thought.
The aesthetic anarchy of the meaning of the Music* is, ‘the poetry of human expression through sound in time.’
Life*. ‘available for a limited time only. Limit one(1) per person. Subject to change without notice. Provided “as is” and without any warranties. Nontransferable and is the sole responsibility of the recipient. May incur damages arising from use or misuse. Additional parts sold separately. Your mileage may vary. Subject to all applicable fees and taxes. Terms and conditions apply. Other restrictions apply.’
P.S. The words above are fetched from the conceptual paradigm of aesthetic anarchy where a clean slate is provided for the cognitive development of Self. These words are structured on meaning within the vacuum of cognition. Anarchy is aesthetified for self and Other.


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