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Job V


It’s after a long time Job writes something, events carved out from the living memories of his buried hopes. Buried, because hopes are mere agents for the fools who dream hopes and he believes the prestructured system which consists of events, figures, etc. So he doesn’t believe in miracles, things just happen in order.
He was longing for a day that he believed it would change his life. He just loved her blindly for many years. The only possible chance for him to meet her was the marriage function of his family friend. He was thinking of all about that day, marriage function…
Finally, that day has arrived! His mom told me the betrothal of Jason. It was the event which he was thinking all about. He wanted Jason to marry someone as soon as possible. And, of course, he was much and much excited! This marriage function is the only available chance for him to meet Carol. Time was running out! He couldn't attend the function because of certain academic issues that he had to solve. Anyway he lost it. The day which he was cherishing in his soul and thought, he missed it! I feel sorry for him because all the time Carol was his inspiration to live and he was waiting for that day to meet her. He lost that day!
Days much later, waiting to catch his train to Yorkshire, then, he said, “There is a weird pleasre in loving someone who doesn’t even know you!” I saw him depressed and I found those words interesting. he loves her still.
“She is the only girl in my life.”


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